Friday, June 12, 2009

Day 94

Cue working girl shopping montage.
Cue heavy-synthesized music while girl is blow-drying hair and applying mascara and lip gloss.
Cue heary laughter and hand shakes
Cue toasting a new job.

It didn't exactly happen.

Sure I had to get up kind of early, take the bus to E's work, pick up the car, drive to Target, buy an interview outfit since our washing machine/sink is broken/un-usuable and I didn't have time to dig and search and go to the laundromat. If I was a grown-up I would have had time to have my things dry cleaned, but instead, I went to Great America the day before, kind of forgot I had nothing to wear and thus had to run to Target.

I found some brown linen pants, a mauve shell, and a cream colored ruffly cardigan type thing I thought would be a good choice.

By some miracle I get home from my adventures on time and hop in the shower and start preparing, physically and mentally, for said interview.
Interview questions--check.

Everything is set and ready to go.
We begin the interview process.
And I have to say.
I don't think I did that well.
I mean.
I think I did okay.
Average, perhaps.
But I didn't really feel a rapor.
Like it all felt very stilted, and stop and go.
Maybe this is because they aren't used to giving interviews?
Maybe it's because I didn't give great answers?
I don't know.
Let's just say, it won't be a shocker if I don't get the job.
At least I got thru the first couple stages.
Which must mean that my resume doesn't suck completely, nor does my cover letter.
So that is good news.
I can't say that the interview was a learning experience since it seems like:
1. I can't remember anything they asked that I found particularily difficult
2. I have no prospects on the horizon
Sure I've been applying but no one's been contacting me.
Maybe I was excited because I knew after the interview I was going to go to PO's house for a family/friend BBQ.

So upon arriving home, I told E the meh-news of my interview, and we packed up some beers and hooch (vodka-lemonade for those keeping track at home) and veggie burgers and made our way over.

And I have to say it was a great time.
Good stories by all.
Even if it was bittersweet as half of the party was moving this weeked.
Which seems to be the story of my life...I once wrote this short story where someone commented, "I feel like I just met all these really cool people and then found out that they or I am moving away the next day" and in this case it was true.
Such is life.

Make new friends.
But keep the old.
One is silver and the other gold.

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